PsL Monthly 1996 November
PsL Monthly 1996 November.iso
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EMILY.ZIP 17980 09-14-93 Emily'93 is an add-on file of Hurricane
| Emily to be used with the MERLIN Hurricane
| Tracking Tool (from PsL). (Reg.Fee: $0)
ER8_2_6P.ZIP 650 08-08-95 Merlin Data File for Hurricane Erin is a
| data file for the Merlin Hurricane Tracking
| program which contains complete coordinates
| for hurricane Erin August 2, 1995 until the
| last advisory on August 3rd. (Reg.Fee: $0)
GOCANES.ZIP 116070 05-18-94 Go 'Canes 1.1 is a hurricane tracking
| program. (Robert Terwilliger) (Reg.Fee: $15)
HUR_TRK.ZIP 71989 10-22-89 Hurricane Tracking 3.0 is a hurricane/storm
| plotting program. It will present a map of
| the SE U.S. and part of the Caribbean and
| individually plot the track of tropical
| storms on a colorful EGA display. Data is
| included for 24 significant storms, including
| Hugo. Add your own data files. EGA graphics
| required. (William N. Tavolga) (Reg.Fee: $10)
HURRTR50.ZIP 669423 06-06-94 HurrTrak 1994 5.0 is a professional hurricane
| tracking and analysis system. NEW: more
| detailed tracking charts and mouse support.
| (PC Weather Products) (Reg.Fee: $49)
MERLIN.ZIP 231539 01-16-95 Merlin 1.7a is an easy-to-use
| hurricane/tropical storm tracking tool that
| provides the user with current information
| about the selected storm, in an easy to
| understand text report and four tracking
| maps. (Ted M. Parker) (Reg.Fee: $31)
STORM95.ZIP 172972 08-15-95 Storm '95 tracks hurricanes. It can track a
| storm stored on a disk files or a new storm.
| It allows you to enter data on a current
| storm as often as you wish and print out a
| list of the storm's location by date and
| time. In addition, the program will provide a
| warning if the storm is within l00 miles of
| the city selected as the TRACK-TO CITY, and
| display the selected storm super-imposed on a
| color map. It also has the ability to project
| the location of the storm 12 hours into the
| future based on current course and speed; the
| ability to enter and display central pressure
| data; storm intensity categories for
| printout; displays of the time zone selected,
| and units on wind speed and central pressure;
| the ability to differentiate storm tracks,
| show storm strength, and compare storms; and
| the ability to default map types. You can
| generate plots on HP7475A, 7550A, HP ColorPro
| Plotters, and Epson and LaserJet printers.
| (Pesek Thomas) (Reg.Fee: $25)
TRACKER.ZIP 313747 02-11-90 Tracker is a tropical cyclone database and
| mapping system, complete with varying sounds
| and colors to indicate the varying strength
| of storms. You can single-step through the
| storm's path, or Tracker will animate it for
| you. Storm data can be entered via a
| spreadsheet format. Tracker comes with data
| for all the more than 300 tropical,
| subtropical and extratropical cyclones that
| have occurred in the Atlantic basin from 1950
| through 1986, which is a total of over 10,000
| storm positions. A special "Match" feature of
| Tracker allows you to compare the current
| storm with up to 20 of the most similar
| historic storms from the data base and
| overlay their tracks on the map. A hard disk
| and EGA compatible video are required. An
| 80x87 is helpful, but not required. (Theodore
| P. Froberg) (Reg.Fee: $10)
WORLDFIX.ZIP 47386 05-29-89 WorldFix 5.1 displays the longitude and
| latitude of specified cities, states or
| countries, calculates the bearing and
| distance between cities, displays sunrise and
| sunset times for cities, (Robert E. Sr.
| Forrest) (Reg.Fee: $0)